“Honesty is the best policy”, but some of us tell lies not knowing how dangerous it is to our health.

According to investigation the only thing that can come from this is an overwhelming feeling that people were leading out -of –control lives. Health wise, one should look at what he can realistically accomplish in his schedule and not forge to save time for himself.

Speaking on lying as it affects one’s health, the proprietor of J.M.V. Hospital in Ibadan Oyo state of Nigeria, Dr. Olumuyiwa Olugbesan said that “ordinarily, looking at the topic it would be as if they are connected, that is lying and health. But if you look deeply and you consider the definition of the World Health Organization (W.H.O),health has not been the absence of illness but being a state of complete physical and mental health, you will find out that there is correlation “ Health is life.
According to him, there are some people who lie when they are being investigated; they are subjected to lie detector. “What the test does is to measure the sweat, the pulse rate, the heart rate and the respiratory rate of such an individual. Health matters are inevitable matters.
“Definitely, if there is a machine that can measure minute changes in the pulse rate and heart beat, it means that the changes actually take place on the body at the time he tells a lie” he said.
The medical personnel explained that “if one is a chronic liar, telling lies all the times about situations and conditions such minute changes that take place in the body would also take place for a prolong period of time “and when that happens, we know that there is correlation between that kind of a situation and the ability to resist infections, immune system and the cardiovascular system. Health is wealth.
We know that people who tell lies must have a compromised immune system in the sense that they will be more prone to infections, they will be prone illness” he said.
While noting that there was no particular illness ailment or disease that is caused by lying, he said that the only thing was that it is a correction between stress and some illness and infections. Healthy life is a wealthy life.
If a person is going to have malaria, it is possible that if he has just been questioned or investigated and he told a lot of lies, even you will know that you are under stress.
The stress will compromise your immune system. It will make the attack to come faster than in a person who is in a complete state of well being, who has not told a lie, relax peacefully and at peace with himself” he said
The medical personnel corroborated a research which confirmed that effects of emotional stress on the body often lead to cancer, when he said “ I know that there are some studies that have correlated stress with some cancers and we know lying would put you in a state of stress.
“If you lie over a prolong period, you become a chronic liar, it means that the stress will also become chronic and so, you have that correlation” he said. Act wisely on your health.
Apart from cancer which can be caused as a result of stress, Dr. Olugbesan said stress could lead to hypertension or high blood pressures open you to cardio mental illness and other stress related problems.
As a way out, neuroendocrinology was a new field that has emerged from the studies involving the connection between the mind and emotions on the autonomic, immune and endocrine systems.
According to a research, people should do everything they could do to honestly assess their emotions and release the stress through breathing techniques, exercise or talking about their feeling. This way it can lessen their risk of cancer.
Though it is very difficult for some people to speak up about their feelings but the research said that the most powerful way to neutralize negative emotion was to acknowledge them.
“When you honestly admit your feelings, you protect yourself from the flood of damaging stress hormones that this feelings produce in your body. Get it off your chest, if you are feeling disappointed, unhappy or hurt about something” he said.
Dr. Olusegun suggested that the way out is “to be as truthful as possible and honesty, saying “ there is no way you can be caught in telling the truth but you can be caught in telling lie and found yourself embarrassed”.
The research further suggested that people should be honest when they convey the feelings, be kind when they criticize and be positive when expressing their views.
Once you acknowledge your feelings, they will be less like to trouble your feelings inside and you become a “ticking time” bomb, ready to explode at some minor incident which is not a pretty picture for your long- term health”.
Therefore, if your health is important to you minimize or stop lying. Health is life and life is health.
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