Friday, January 21, 2011


Many people failed to realize the importance of plants in our environment: thereby paid nonchalant attitude to the health benefit in plants. Quite unlike what many people may think, having an office well beautified with plants is very beneficial. Plants in office apart from creating a colorful working environment can give a feeling of well-being and create a lively and clean atmosphere. They are useful for a positive mood to keep some diseases at bay and help to overcome stress .Health is Life
Researchers led by Adjunct Professor Margret Burchett at the University of Technology, Sydney, found that indoor potted plants help improve the air quality rooms with little or no airflow  by reducing level of volatile organic compounds (V.O.C’s).
VOCs include compounds such as benzene and hexane, and are known to toxic to humans at high levels. They are present at low level in many indoor environments. Some, like benzene, make their way inside buildings through pollution from traffic outlet. Others are present as a result of their use in paints, carpeting and furniture fabric, especially in new or recently refurbished buildings.
These scientists found that indoor plants reduce VOCs by up to 100% over 24 hours in a closed environment. Health Matters
According to Dr. Stephen Brown of CSIRO “Built Environment, VOCs can contribute to “sick building syndrome”-a phenomenon in which a higher proportion of occupants experience symptoms such as dry eyes, dry noise and throat, headache, lethargy and nausea. Health Is Life
A dry noise or throat does not only negatively affect general well-being but also results in the body having lesser ability to shield itself  against bacterial and viruses.
According to Prof. Burchett, “indoor air is likely to be seven time more polluted than outdoor air because indoor air is stale and it accumulates with or without air conditioning”.
“It was a clear indication that it was the micro organisms exist in a symbolic relationship with the plants   providing the plants with inorganic nutrients from the soil  and in return  receiving other nutrients from the plant via the roots”. Prof. Burchett said.
Having plants in the workplace can reduce stress and increase air quality. Virginia Lahr and her colleagues at The Department of Horticulture and Landscape architecture , Washington State University studied the benefit of adding plants to a windowless workplace, in this instance a college computer laboratory. They reported that “when plant were added to this interior space , the participants were more productive. Immediately after completing the task, participants in the room with plants present reported feeling more attentive than people in the room with no plants”
Helen Russell’s M.Sc dissertation  “The effect of interior planting on stress”  carried out at Surrey  University, UK, also shows evidence of plants helping to reduce stress. In her study, she found that in an office with plants not only were stress levels lower, but people recovered from their stress more quickly than in offices   without plants
Though the effect of plants on stress may be small and not apparent in those situations where the task performed is less complex, or even boring the soothing effects of the plants may be more noticeable and have a greater effect on the people doing the task.
That plants can permanently reduce the number of time one falls ill was substantiated by a study even done in an hospital environment. In one Norwegian hospital, absence due to illness fell from 15 per cent to 5 per cent when plats were introduced into the workplace. This is a 66 per cent reduction
Recent research undertaken by NASA space administration in America yielded some very interesting results and showed that plants do more than just enhance the beauty of your surroundings but do actually clear pollutants out of the air as the add oxygen and humidity to the indoor environment.
In  a test which lasted almost two years and conducted by Dr. B.C. Wolverton at the Stennis Space Centre in Mississippi, it was discovered that common house plant are capable of converting chemical air pollutants into harmless substances. Ivy one of the smallest of house plants does an excellent job of clearing  the air of toxins, especially benzene and TCE
The more carbon dioxide in the air the more tired and restless we become. However, where there are plants, the carbon dioxide can easily be aborted. However, the leaf surface a plant has s, the more effective  it can absorb carbon dioxide. It is not the size of the single leaf ,but the whole leaf surface of the plant that matters.
Dr. Funsho Onofolukan a medical practitioner in Ibadan said there is no doubt plants help to lift the mood of some individuals and help them remain bright  According to him, those that appreciate nature and color do it to lift there mood and looking at it from this positive perceptive, makes it a good habit to cultivate. “It is more of a psychological effect in the sense that when you are in a serene environment, say in a garden, it makes you feel happy “declared Prof. Jonathan Lawoyin, a consultant dental surgeon at the  University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan  Nigeria.
However, he said to people who may be spiritually inclined, plants connote a different thing because to them everything in the physical also has spiritual connotation and effect.
Since plants give out oxygen and utilize carbon dioxide and so in a way make the environment cleaner, Prof. Gbemi Oke, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, UCH, Ibadan Nigeria assures that living or working in such an environment with plants will have a pacifying and pleasant effect as well as create a tranquillizing atmosphere to relax more. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Healthiness and Taste with Tandoori Chicken

I am in no doubt that there are actually very few people who don't adore chicken and mainly tandoori chicken. Yes! Tandoori chicken is one of several highly nourishing and appetizing chicken dish from India. The appealing look of this delicious dish every time gives a boost to appetite and makes incapable to refrain from. However, do you genuinely distinguish that with tang, this chicken dish is loaded with nutrition too? Chicken is itself a dreadfully nutritional meat, it is only the style of preparing and components inculcated that makes it rich. Tandoori chicken is a hearty dish that preserves the real nutrients of chicken.

You must have bump into a lot of chicken recipes, including, deep-fried, stir-fried and also saut©ed recipes. All these recipes make good usage of oil or fat that is not beneficial for health. Tandoori chicken however, is relatively depleted in calories. This is beacuse the simple recipe of this dish contains only yogurt, seasonings, ginger-garlic paste and lemon juice. Very few drops of cooking oil are included for basting. The chicken is roasted in a mud oven with the aid of burning wood, consequently no deep-frying is required. I hope at this moment you're informed that why Tandoori chicken is well thought-out a nutritional dish.

The fat substance existing in tandoori chicken also dependant upon the portion of chicken inculcated. Such as, when breast is used in that case the fat content is little fewer as opposed to the thigh and leg portion. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the suitable portion if you desire your dish to be full of healthiness. Weight watchers and dieters could perhaps embrace this chicken dish in their every day diet without any guilt. Proteins and carbohydrates are existing in great quantity in chicken that further augment the dietary value of tandoori chicken.

When flavor is related, this vintage dish is forever a winner in almost every meal. Though, its an Indian dish, but comparable versions are also admired in western cuisine as well, referred to as 'Grilled or roasted chicken'. Tandoor is replaced by grill and wood is substituted by coal, or else the preparation is quite the same and nutritional factor too.

It is believed that tandoori chicken is a very easy and unadorned dish; though it needs minor skill to make a faultless dish. Correct marinade and perfect grilling is certainly needed to dish up a tasty preparation. You can every time take a look at the food preparation web sites for some exceptional recipes and go along with the instructions provided. One can savor the tandoori chicken repeatedly without having to worry about an increasing weight!

For additional details on tandoor chicken recipe please look at Tandoor Chicken. You can also have a look at some awesome chicken breas

Things that You Should Know About Bad Breath Treatments

Bad breath treatments aren't something most people talk about. You don't want to admit that you have bad breath, and it can be awkward to tell someone else that they have this particular problem. Lucky for you, you can read about bad breath treatments instead of having to talk to anyone about them.

Where Is Your Bad Breath Coming From?

If you want to treat your bad breath, then you need to know where it is coming from. It is always best to treat a problem at the source. The source of bad breath seems obvious enough. It comes from your mouth.

More importantly, bad breath comes from the bacteria that live in your mouth. Bacteria break down proteins that can lead bad breath. So to treat bad breath, you must kill first these bad bacteria and eradicate them from your mouth. Now, if they aren't there to give you bad breath, then you won't surely experience it.

Now it is important to note that some foods have strong smells. If any bits or pieces of these foods remain in your mouth then you could have bad breath even before bad bacteria make their contribution. Of course, bad breath from these sources doesn't require treatment. You just avoid the foods or take extra care to clean your mouth thoroughly when you do eat them.

Do You Know If You Have Bad Breath?

Before going on to the actual treatment of bad breath, how do you know if you have it? If you brush and floss every day, can you be assured that you don't have bad breath? Are you willing to take that risk? The truth is that people cannot smell their own bad breath which makes it a problem that you can't always be aware of until you've already made a bad impression.

How Do You Treat Your Bad Breath?

To treat bad breath, you must first get rid of bad bacteria. Bad bacteria are the primary causes of bad breath. The OraMD 4-Step Oral Hygiene Program can help you overcome such condition. This system normally begins with brushing and flossing to clean food particles and to remove plaque from your mouth. Then the mouthwash and topical application steps work to kill off bad bacteria and thus remove the causes of bad breath from your mouth.

Bad breath treatments have to fight the problem where it starts. A clean, healthy mouth leads to pleasant smelling breath. You just need to decide if you want to treat bad breath after you have it or before you do.

tags:natural cures for bad breath,mouthwash for bad breath,bad breath remedies,halitosis

Try these 3 Treatments to Help Prevent Bed Wetting

There are a variety of motivations for teenagers and adults having bed wetting symptoms, and it's always a clever idea to have a medical professional analyze it and rule out serious issues. No matter what the reasons are for the bed wetting take place, though it can be a challenging, even There are ways to successfully treat this problem, however, and in this article we will examine some of these methods.

In some situations where bed wetting occurs because of an affliction, like diabetes, an infection in the bladder or an issue with the prostate, it's typically the result of a person sleeping really deeply. Some people are genetically prone to a situation where they sleep all through the night even when they should be running to the restroom. This is commonly an issue that comes about during childhood, although in a lot of cases it continues into the grownup years. Individuals who suffer this condition, despite them sleeping deeply, aren't typically refreshed from their sleep, as what they really have is a type of sleep condition in which there isn't enough oxygen permitted to the brain. This is normally the instance when a person's dilemma of wetting the bed can't be explained via a usual physical or psychological instigator. Wetting of the bed that is instigated by this sort of sleep ailment should be healed by a specialist who comprehends how to heal sleep issues. "Another, actually alterior tip for your vision is always to wear some
small reading glasses whilst perusing reports on your computer."

It doesn't matter if the individual who is wetting the bed is a child, middle aged or elderly adult, in some cases diapers can be a useful answer for managing the issue. Several older children and grownups struggle with having to wear diapers, although if they are able to be accepting then this can be useful until the matter has been extinguished and it can make matters simpler for everyone. In some cases, this can actually help to prevent the problem, especially if there is a psychological reason for it. When someone is wearing a diaper, they don't have to worry about bed wetting, because they are prepared for it, and this reduction in stress can sometimes help to stop it from happening. Therefore, diapers can be a short-term answer to wetting the bed.

Occasionally, a helpful way to take care of bed wetting is through hypnosis. Now and again, if you can guess there is not medical problem that needs medication to be healed, you can teach your subconscious mind to wake up when you need to go potty. This can be advantageous if a sleep malady or psychological predicament is the trigger for wetting the bed. You can see a hypnotherapist or look for a CD, DVD or MP3 program that uses hints and other tactics to aid you with this dilemma. Several hypnosis assemblies pay attention to particular concerns and you come to realize the ones that are put together for bed wetting. Hypnosis is something that is worth taking a look at, specifically for circumstances where regular bed wetting cures haven't worked.

Before you can fix your bed wetting problem, you need to know what is causing it. If there is a medical reason for it, this has to be treated in order to stop the bed wetting and any other consequences. But regardless of the cause, the above solutions can be helpful in dealing with bed wetting.


Who are Likely to Have Skin Tags?

Believe it or not, skin tag is now one of the most common skin conditions. Also termed as an acrochordon, skin tag is a benign skin condition which implies that it is not precancerous. Most of the time, a skin tag is a piece of skin raised off the surrounding skin. The appearance of skin tags includes their attachment to the skin although they only appear to be attached to the skin. Since skin tags are benign, having one or many tags does not lead to having cancer.

The big question now has something to do with who tends to get skin tags? Since this is a very common condition, you may be wondering about who are the best candidates of experiencing the appearance of skin tags. In general, skin tags may be experienced by anyone. Nevertheless, it goes to show that people who are in the middle age above are the best candidates. Skin tags appear to be more prevalent to women than men. Even pregnant women have no exit on the wrath of skin tags. Not to mention, diabetic people may also experience the appearance of skin tags on many parts of the body.

The appearance of skin tags may not be controlled by the affected individual. Skin tags may occur basically anywhere there is skin. But then again, there are certain areas where skin tags normally appear. The most favorite sites of skin tags are the armpit, eyelids, groin, neck, upper chest, anus, and even genital.

On the other hand, more to simply being a tag is what skin tag is all about especially under the microscope. An overgrowth known as hyperplasia is commonly apparent on the epidermis or the outermost layer of the skin of the individual. The skin tag has an enclosure acted upon by the underlying skin layer known as the dermis. Skin tags occur because the collagen fibers of are swollen and loose beyond its normal being.

Usually, there are no problems entailed on having skin tags. Ordinarily, there are no symptoms associated to these skin growths, but there may be some where there is persistent irritation. Skin tag removal is now the most used way of treating these growths.
About the author: Charlene Heath writes about skin care issues including skin tags. Skin tags removal doesn't have to be difficult or painful. Learn about skin tags how to remove at home safely and naturally.

tags:health and fitness,Health,skin care,beaut