Friday, August 31, 2012

Awareness Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most frequent psychiatric conditions affecting people presently. Both children and adults today are prone to these conditions. In the US, approximately 19 million adults suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. These conditions affect people's lives everyday, restricting their ability to perform, relax, eat, and even sleeping. Anxiety disorders are chronic, unremitting, and they can grow progressively worse if you're not treated. Here's a closer check out some common anxiety disorders that include generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compelling disorder, panic disorder, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and sociable anxiety disorder.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Also known as GAD, this is a common anxiety disorder seen as a chronic episodes of "free floating" anxiety or apprehension which might be not linked to a distinct cause or situation. These episodes of GAD may last for half a year or more. Stressful life events, such as moving, changing careers, losing a loved one, or suffering a financial hardship can trigger or add up to the anxiety. Muscle tension, perspiration is a, difficulty swallowing, edginess, nausea, tremulous, insomnia, abdominal upsets, dizziness, and irritability are the common physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Women are twice as likely as men to have this condition.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: OCD is commonly joked about in movies as well as television programs. Jack Nicholson's character in Practically It Gets suffered from uncontrollable compulsive anxiety disorder. However, sufferers belonging to the condition, and their loved models, don't find it to manifest as a joking matter. With this affliction, individuals are plagued by constant thoughts or obsessions that induce fear and anxiety. For example, a sufferer of obsessive-compulsive disorder could possibly constantly fear being contaminated by means of germs or burning down your home. These obsessions compel the people to compulsively complete a routine or number of routines (such as washing fists or checking the toaster) to relieve the anxiety. Over one third of an individual who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder started to demonstrate signs of the sickness in childhood.
Panic Disorder: A panic disorder is seen as a intense attacks that cause the sufferer to have such symptoms as heart palpitations, chest muscles pain or discomfort, sweating, tremulous, tingling sensations, feeling of choking, anxiety about dying, fear of losing handle, and loss of touch utilizing reality. People with panic disorder need feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with out warning. They can't predict while an attack will occur, and many develop intense anxiety between shows, worrying when and where another one will strike. These attacks could possibly be triggered by a stressful event or they will come on for no tangible reason. People who suffer from panic attacks are often uncomfortable in fresh or unfamiliar environments since they may be unsure of how they are certain to get themselves to safety if some sort of attack should occur. For this kind of reason, panic disorders often occur with agoraphobia, in which people fear so much any strange places. Women are two times as likely as men to are afflicted by a panic disorder.
Phobias: Many of us experience a healthy amount in fear or apprehension when in face of scary objects like spiders or situations that include looking over the edge from the cliff. But people who are intensely afraid from the specific object or situation could possibly be suffering from an anxiety disorder often called a phobia. A phobic person displays a good of fear that is irrational and disproportionate to situation. Specific phobias often lead sufferers to prevent yourself from normal, everyday situations. Over 14 million adult Americans are affected by one type of phobia and another. Some of the more prevalent specific phobias are centered near closed-in places, heights, escalators, tunnels, motorway driving, water, flying, dogs, as well as injuries involving blood.
Post Shocking Stress Disorder: Post-traumatic stress disorder, generally known as PTSD, is a debilitating anxiety disorder which may be typically triggered by witnessing or actively playing a major traumatic event. Early days abuse, rape, war, a terrorist function, death of a loved a particular, a natural disaster, or a catastrophic accident are generally frequent causes of post stressful stress disorder. Regardless of the reason, the development of post traumatic stress disorder often brings about intense feelings of fear, helplessness, and horror. After the traumatic function, many people experience nightmares, daytime flashbacks belonging to the event, difficulty sleeping, numbness in emotions, or sometimes even persona changes. For many people, these symptoms stop in a month. However, for many many people, the symptoms of post stressful stress disorder may continue for months and also years.
Social Anxiety Disorder: Social anxiety disorder affects men as often as it affects women. Individuals suffer from this condition tend to feel extreme anxiety about its behavior or their perceived behavior in a very public setting. They may be terrified of being judged or ridiculed or creating themselves embarrassment. Physical symptoms with this social anxiety disorder can include heart palpitations, faintness, blushing as well as profuse sweating. These symptoms often lead the sufferer to prevent yourself from social situations.

tags:anxiety disorder

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Having a good breakfast is an indication that the day has started well. When breakfast is rich in food items like potatoes, white bread, white rice and cornflakes, food that are classified as “highly-glycemic”, they may be contributing to a dangerous liver condition that can lead  liver failure and death. Health is life.
Fatty liver is exactly as it sounds, a build –up of fat deposits around the organ. Fat build-up in the liver or fatty liver is usually without symptoms but it increases the risk of liver inflammation, which can progress to hepatitis and in some cases, liver failure.
Researchers led by David Ludwig, director of the optimal weight for life program at Children’s Hospital in Boston, fed some mice with both high and low glycemic index diet. High –glycemic index food, including white bread, white rice, cereals and concentrated sugar, raised blood sugar quickly, while low glycemic- index foods, like vegetables, fruits beans and unprocessed grains, raised blood sugar slowly. Health is wealth.
Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly energy in the food is absorbed by the body, producing a rise in blood sugar level. High GI lead to sharp rise in blood sugar level and similar rises insulin level, as the body releases the chemical in response. Health matters are serious matters.
On the high- glycemic index diet, some mice ate a type of cornstarch that is digested quickly and on the low-glycemic index diet, another set of mice ate a type of cornstarch that is digested slowly. The diets had equal amount of total calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrate, and  the mice were otherwise treated identically.
After six months, the mice weighed the same. However, the mice on the low –glycemic index diet were lean, with normal amounts of fat in their bodies. The mice on the high-glycemic index diet had twice the normal amount of fats in their bodies, blood and livers.
Dr. David Ludwig, who led the research, said that because of processed carbohydrates are absorbed so quickly, they trigger the release of more of the chemical insulin, which tells the body to lay down more fat. Health tips assist a lot.
Nowhere is this message felt more strongly than in the liver, because the pancreas, which makes the insulin, dumps the hormone directly into the liver, where concentration can be many times higher than in the rest of the body. Healthy life is a wealthy life
Dr. Ludwig said that the results would also apply to humans and even children, in whom fatty liver is becoming far more common. He described fatty liver as a silent but dangerous epidemic. Tha obesity sedentary lifestyles and increase consumption of refined carbohydrates is currently fueling in children.
Ludwig and his colleagues now hope to confirm this in a recently launched clinical trial and also to show that a low-glycemic index diet can reverse fatty liver in overweight children. A set of children age 18 to 17, will be randomized to either the low-glycemic diet or a low-fat diet
A previous study showed that Italians who ate higher glycemic index diets had liver that were fatter than normal, but the study wasn’t tightly controlled. The new study makes clear this type of carbohydrate that can cause fatty liver in animals, independent of other elements of diet or lifestyle. Your health is your wealth.
Tam Fry, National Obesity Forum board member and chairman of the Child Growth Foundation, accepting that eating a diet rich in high glycemic food led to increase in fat, “said fatty liver is going to be one of the tragedies of the future unless something is done about it.”
The British Dietetic Association spokesman and a dietician, Azmina Govindja said that the biggest threat from diet rich in high-glycemic food was development of insulin resistance – the first sign of type 2 diabetes. Govindja stressed that “there is a place f or high-glycemic carbohydrates in moderation as part of a balanced diet, but there is good research that eating too much can increase the risk of insulin resistance and this can lead to serious health problems”.
A nutritionist at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan Mr Tunde Ajobo explained that no matter the amount of type of food taken, if it is not properly utilized, it is bound to take its toll on the body. When the excess carbohydrate gets converted to fat and lays down under the skin and on other organs such as liver, It tends to affect the liver‘s activities which includes the storage of essential vitamins, detoxification of drugs and production of bile required for  fat utilization. Do not play with health information.
According to him, a diet that is not highly glycemic should be the preferred choice because it allows for free flow of blood to the organ and ensured that the liver does not become jeopardized. Health wellness leads to long life. 
Rather than having foods that are classified high-glycemic, low GI foods that may help include unprocessed fruits, nuts, pulses and grains, including rye or granary bread, spaghetti, apples and oranges.
According to a group of researchers from Mexico, in the September issue of the journal of Lipid research, an American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology journal, inclusion of soy protein is also good in alleviating fatty liver.
Fatty liver, a complication of high levels of insulin and insulin- resistance according to Dr Nimbe Torres of the Instituto Nacionalde Ciencias Medicas Y. Nutrition in Mexico can be alleviated with a diet rich in soy. She found that the consumption of soy protein prevent the accumulation of and cholesterol in the liver despite the development of obesity and high levels of insulin- resistance in the rats
We also observed that the effects of soy protein were due to a low expression of genes involved in the synthesis of fatty acid and triglycerides in the liver,” explained Dr. Torres in the journal of Lipid Research. Health awareness lets you live a healthy life.